DEFI - Magic Balancer $MGB Rebalance Protocol in ETH-BSC Chain.
DEFI - Magic Balancer $MGB Rebalance Protocol in ETH-BSC Chain.
What is Magic Balancer ?
Magic Balancer is a deflationary governance DEFI token that provides exceptional rewards to active users through smart contract protocols, while seamlessly integrating transaction rewards with liquidity rebalancing features.
The MGB token is designed to be sustainable and maximize its value by being truly deflationary and encouraging users to be active while offering exceptional rewards. Every reward token that MGB allocates never compromises the overall supply, which means that the growth of the MGB token will never be difficult. Each Magic Balancer protocol is built to be 100% distrustful and does not require human intervention to operate. This ensures that all Magic Balancer protocols can run forever and will never be disabled by human intervention. This also means that you, as a token holder, will never have to trust anyone for any reason. The only thing you can trust in the crypto space is the code, it never lies,
The best crypto projects are those that provide 100% unreliable protocols and prove this fact with complete code transparency. This is exactly what Magic Balancer offers, this is our core belief and the only way to ever release protocols.
Magic Balancer ensures that its cost per recharge is constantly increasing in value. This is done by temporarily removing some of the liquidity from the MGB / ETH pair, market buying MGB with ETH, and then burning all the remaining MGB. Essentially, the balance of the Uniswap MGB / ETH pair is being restored and the value of the MGB increased relative to ETH.
The MGB token comes from the community and is a flexible community driven project and the future governance of the community can only be achieved through voting.
The Launch

Starts on March. 17rd at 19:00 UTC. No whitelist needed. Max two weeks.
Held directly on, to participate simply Choose which chain you want to buy ,connect your Metamask, enter the amount of ETH-BNB you wish to send and click buy. MGB tokens will be instantly returned via our presale contract. Metamask is preferred, do not use exchange accounts.
No min, 3 ETH-30 BNB Max buy.
10% referral reward distributed instantly via presale contract. Click REFERRAL button on Presale section and copy your referral link(required to connect with wallet)
Every rebalance $MGB token price can raise up to %2. This can be happens every hour up to 24 times a day!
After 1 week Presale end 1 $MGB worth of $4000 for this mechanism.
Example of one REBALANCE (if 300 BNB @ $250.00 raised in presale)
- $52,500 ~ 70% Liquidity On Listing
- 2% LP Removed ~ $1,050
- Split Into ~ $525 BNB & $525 MGB
- 1% Of MGB Sent To Caller ~ $10,5
- BNB Swaps For MGB~ $525
- 90% Of MGB Burned ~ $945
- Value Added (from example above)
- $525 BNB Market Buy
- $945 MGB Burned
- $1,575Total Capital Rebalanced
Tokenomics for BSC
- 300,000 MGB — Total Supply
- 150,000 MGB — Presale
- 85,000 MGB — Initial Liquidity
- 35,000 MGB — Marketing, Promotions and Community Engagement.
- 30,000 MGB — Team Tokens
- Presale — 1 BNB = 99 MGB ($2,5 *)
- Presale Max Buy = 30 BNB ($7,500*) ~ No min amount
- Initial Listing — 1 BNB = 79 MGB ($3,16*) ~ %25 higher than presale
- Presale Hardcap = 300 BNB ($75,000*)
- 70% BNB ( 210BNB — $52,500*) provided towards liquidity.
- 20% BNB (60 BNB — $15,000*) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex listing and expanding team.
- 10% BNB (30 BNB — $7,500*) presale referral rewards.
based on BNB price of $250.00
Tokenomics for ETH Chain
- 300,000 MGB — Total Supply
- 150,000 MGB — Presale
- 85,000 MGB — Initial Liquidity
- 35,000 MGB — Marketing, Promotions and Community Engagement.
- 30,000 MGB — Team Tokens
- Presale — 1 ETH = 999 MGB ($1,5 *)
- Presale Max Buy = 3 ETH ($4,500*)
- Initial Listing — 1 ETH = 799 MGB ($1.88*) ~ %25 higher than presale
- Presale Hardcap = 30 ETH ($45,000*)
- 70% ETH (21 ETH — $31,500*) provided towards liquidity.
- 20% ETH (6 ETH — $9,000*) provides future development, partnerships, marketing, community building, cex listing and expanding team.
- 10% ETH (3 ETH — $4,500*) presale referral rewards.
*based on ETH price of $1500.00
The trading on Uniswap-Pancakeswap will progress instantly at the end of our presale.
All ETH-BNB allocated for initial liquidity is instantly deposited into the MGB token contract. The MGB token contract has a “createUniswapPair” function which can be seen on contract write function #6 at
This function ensures that all ETH-BNB provided for liquidity can only be used to create the UNIswap trading pair.
There is no withdrawal codes installed on the MGB token contract so ETH-BNB cannot be withdrawn and LP tokens from creating the trading pair are locked for 90days after presale!
Additional Resources;
● Website:
● Telegram:
● Whitepaper:
● Twitter:
● Governance:
● Github:
● Discord: Coming soon
author : agus2018 profile :;u=2609860 eth : 0xaf8d35B5DE9B5f6502a5d6393E221A2f299B04cF
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