It's hard to imagine what our world would look like if we didn't have a clear desire to be better and more technologically ?! It's interesting to know, what are our values that we do and what kind of recreation is generally traded ?! These and many other questions were raised by tens of thousands of people. But fortunately, these thoughts only produce our imagination and have nothing to do with reality at all. However, as you can see the community does not remain silent. And each year only brings us more discoveries, making breakthroughs in this or that area of life.
Today's article I want to focus on other dynamic industries, actions and functions aimed at improving the quality of various services in many areas of our daily lives. The industry is connected to IoT sensors, as well as the flow of information generated by these sensors. I think for many of you the combination of IoT letters is not something new and cannot be understood, for those who hear or see this abbreviation for the first time I will explain. IoT sensor is a device that collects information about the state of various objects or objects, sending signals received to the accumulated device. The data received is then processed and other further actions are taken based on the data. The sensors themselves were proposed back in 1999,
Now the IoT sensor will surround us everywhere. They can be easily found in fields such as: smart homes, electricity and water conservation from urban environments, agriculture, shops, automotive environments and so on. Corny, you can meet them before entering the big hypermarkets in their country. Where the built-in IoT sensor sends the received signal to the sliding door and the door opens as soon as you approach it.
However, despite the general benefits and necessity. These sensors have an outdated system for collecting and storing the information received, which in turn are subject to distortion of the same data. That naturally in the near future can lead to a lot of problems. After all, the ACCURACY and SECURITY of the transmitted information, especially in our time, is a very important criterion! Moreover, with the increasing flow of data, the responsibility for the quality of transmission of the same data increases. And since centralized data storage is subject to all sorts of failures and other kinds of information leaks, the experts of this environment, it became a big question how to structure all this competently, so that in the future the increased data flow from IoT sensors could not only be safely processed, but also not to lose the speed of data transfer, as well as a number of other important characteristics. So the concept of a new project was born, which we will talk about now.

About the project and its features
As you remember, my blog's topic concerns the blockchain industry, as well as projects based on it. Therefore, this project is no exception and only a new blockchain environment where millions of IoT sensors will be combined. Called this neighborhood - HAWK NETWORK. It is important to note that this platform intends to control structurally all data generated by the IoT sensor to eliminate leakage and distortion in the near future. For this, HAWK NETWORK specialists have developed unique strategies and calculation models needed to compile very large data streams, and algorithms for processing and storage. In addition, to handle all of these layered processes helps specially designed hardware, as well as a number of technological elements, which helps realize high production processes and ecological HAWK NETWORK.
I also want to draw your attention to the fact that the founders of this environment are two big companies: UB.GROUP Canada and the best in the world, the Klaytn blockchain platform, which is owned by the Korean Cocoa company. The symbiosis of these two giants implies a qualitative unity of existing developments, as well as a combination of rich experiences in certain fields. However, in both the first and second cases, representatives of these companies have a working model, with millions of viewers already available worldwide. Therefore, the emergence of HAWK NETWORK is not something abstract, but rather a targeted solution to the problem at hand. Solutions that will bring the structure of the Internet world of things to a new level for the better.
The advantage
The main advantage of the existing structure is processing data from the IoT sensor, ahead of the decentralized structure of the HAWK NETWORK, is high-speed data transfer to meet the maximum transparency of this process and the appropriate level of security at all stages of data transmission and storage obtained from the sensor, IoT. To achieve such a high performance is due to the combination of high-tech encryption with digital identifiers and other smart terminals, actions that form new networks without HAWK NETWORK obstacles.
In fact, HAWK NETWORK has a very deep technical basis for all related functions and processes, each of which is full of exceptional structure of features and benefits. However, to illustrate all this in my review, I don't understand the point, because there are technical project documents. Where in black and white, competent and structural states any thoughts and actions relating to the work and internal structure of the HAWK NETWORK.
As for the internal fuel of the HAWK NETWORK blockchain structure, it will be presented in the form of its own - HAWK token. The use of which will allow users not only to acquire assets from suppliers, but also to make a significant contribution to the development of the entire infrastructure of HAWK NETWORK . If you pay attention to the technical side of the issue, I can say that the amount of the total supply of HAWK tokens will be limited and expressed in the issue of 20 000 000 000 pieces. At the same time, the token itself will be developed on the basis of the Ethereum blockchain and is a representative of the ERC-20 standard.
In conclusion, I would like to once again draw your attention to how strong the HAWK NETWORK project is. This power can be traced at all stages of the formation and structuring of a large HAWK NETWORK ecosystem. I am very happy to see such a level of project, and know that behind it should be the two largest companies in Korea and Canada.
But, don't forget about the safety of their own judgment. Therefore, before forming your final opinion on the HAWK NETWORK, I highly recommend that you study the project materials yourself. To do this, at the end of this article, you will be available to list all official HAWK NETWORK social resources. Where you can find answers to every question that interests you. And today, I have everything and see you soon! Conclusion
In conclusion, I would like to once again draw your attention to how strong the HAWK NETWORK project is. This power can be traced at all stages of the formation and structuring of a large HAWK NETWORK ecosystem. I am very happy to see such a level of project, and know that behind it should be the two largest companies in Korea and Canada.
But, don't forget about the safety of their own judgment. Therefore, before forming your final opinion on the HAWK NETWORK, I highly recommend that you study the project materials yourself. To do this, at the end of this article, you will be available to list all official HAWK NETWORK social resources. Where you can find answers to every question that interests you. And today, I have
In conclusion, I would like to once again draw your attention to how strong the HAWK NETWORK project is. This power can be traced at all stages of the formation and structuring of a large HAWK NETWORK ecosystem. I am very happy to see such a level of project, and know that behind it should be the two largest companies in Korea and Canada.
But, don't forget about the safety of their own judgment. Therefore, before forming your final opinion on the HAWK NETWORK, I highly recommend that you study the project materials yourself. To do this, at the end of this article, you will be available to list all official HAWK NETWORK social resources. Where you can find answers to every question that interests you. And today, I have everything and see you soon!
Official HAWK NETWORK project resources:
author : agus2018
eth : 0xaf8d35B5DE9B5f6502a5d6393E221A2f299B04cF
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