BSCBOMB – Token Hyper Deflationary

What is BSCBOMB INTRODUCTION BSCBOMB is a hyper-deflationary token that rewards investors for owning tokens & also includes the BuyBack approach currently found in the stock market. BSCBOMB is one of the first cryptocurrencies that use automatic BuyBack. BSCBOMB – A Proprietary, True Hyper Deflationary Token with an Intellectual Buy-Back Mechanism BSCBOMB token holders benefit through static rewards and also through the automatic Buy-Back mechanism built into the contract. BSCBOMB — A Proprietary, True Hyper Deflationary Token with an Intellectual Buy-Back Mechanism BSCBOMB token holders benefit through static rewards and also through the automatic Buy-Back mechanism built into the contract. When the Buy-Back function is turned on, the contract automatically buys back and burns tokens after every sell. PERFECT MECHANISM & WAY TO EARN Holders of BSCBOMB tokens got benefit not only from static rewards, but also from the buy-back process under the contract. As a part of the ...